What to Expect: A High Desert Well-Being Glamping Retreat | 3 Days & 2 Nights

2 Nights & 3 Days All-Inclusive “Luxuriously Wild” Glamping Wellness JOURNEY



H.I. Wellness offers incredibly poignant experiences designed to connect our guests to the stillness of our land, the cadence of ancient practices, and the sanctuary of self-discovery. Read more about it in this interview with H.I. CEO + Inspired Guide Angelisa Murray – Entering the Mandala: The Journey to Radical Self-Care with Heritage Inspirations

Our High Desert Sanctuary Glamping Excursion is an intuitive journey of unearthing and unveiling designed to connect you with your center and your own inner wisdom as you travel with us to the painted high desert located at the edge of Colorado Plateau in northern New Mexico. We invite you to slow down, unplug, and be nourished by the elements of earth, air, fire, and water as you immerse in sacred rituals and practices of radical self care. Set in one of the most mystical settings on earth, our inspired guides and teachers will illuminate a path back to inner healing and wisdom through yoga and meditation practice, sound healing and breath-work therapy, nutritious meals and elixirs, labyrinth Full Moon walk, aromatherapy, private massage sessions, journaling prompts and observance of celestial movements including the Full Moon on Friday. Inspired by the 52 acres of beauty and solitude of Casita de Arrebol, we seek to create an intentional space for reflection, stillness, and nourishment that will translate into your life in meaningful ways long after you leave.

Upon arrival to our Glamping Excursion, your Wellness Guides will reach out with you directly to craft each day perfectly to meet your needs. Our woven design of individualizing this three-day experience is intended to bring the greatest value to your wellbeing and enjoyment. Our invocation for the weekend is to serve and nurture you with a profound arrival to your own healing and wisdom within.

Immerse in the stillness of our wildlands, the power of ancient traditions, and the inspired luxury of our glamping experiences on the path to radical self care.

DAY ONE ~ Earth

After gathering at the H.I. Travel Hub at Inn and Spa at Loretto Resort and meeting our Inspired Guides we will drive northwest of Santa Fe juxtapose the Rio Grande and Ojo Caliente valley towards the Abiquiu region also known as Tewa Country. Our first stop will be at the otherworldly luminescent spires of Plaza Blanca. There we will take a few moments for introductions and sharing our intentions for the weekend while we recalibrate to the time of the eternal, what indigenous people refer to as the sacred hoop. Inspired, we will settle into the charm of Abiquiu Café for a tasty lunch surrounded by the art of local artists.

Traveling southwest of Abiquiu you will be introduced to the sanctuary of Casita de Arrebol and the elegance and beauty of southwestern glamping with Heritage Inspirations. Our afternoon spa menu offers “Essence Portraits,” Earth Mud Masks, and Earth Element Yoga, Art Corner and an aromatherapy lounge. After enjoying a savory nourishing dinner by our Glamping Chef, Valarie will guide us through a grounding “Breath and Sound Therapy” inviting the opportunity to embark on a profound self-healing through the magic your breath. This will end your evening with emotional detox and transformation.

DAY TWO ~ fire

We begin the morning with a delicious elixir designed to balance and awaken the body, (coffee and tea will also be available). Then you will be guided in a mindful morning practice: “Move, Stretch, Renew” inviting you to arrive and be with Kari connecting you to the stillness and pristine skies of the desert. After enjoying a nourishing plant based breakfast, the morning offers a variety of wellness sessions. Your hosts coordinate sound healing and breath work with Valarie, “Essence Portraits” with Calli and yoga and journaling sessions with Kari. Nurture body, mind and soul choosing your preference of activities to engage what best aligns with your intentions.

In the afternoon we continue to flow with the serenity of the ancient sandstone ribbons of the Colorado Plateau surrounding our sanctuary. We enjoy a delicious picnic lunch in our meditative yoga tent outfitted with southwestern design elements adorned with native blankets, rugs and floor pillows. After lunch, you will have an opportunity to be guided through a Radical Listening session and Journal exercise creating the space for introspection, inspiration and vision.

Afterwards enjoy quality time to reflect, rest, read, and enjoy the privacy of your gorgeous tent. Massage options available (to be scheduled before arrival). Before dinner, a session of “Fire Element Yoga” with Kari sets the intention for that evening’s Kiva Fire Sweat removing that which no longer serves you into the fire.

Tonight’s dinner our Chef infuses local and healthy New Mexican ingredients that will infuse the palate with decadent flavors. Enjoy our last evening honoring the Full Moon together and embarking on our labyrinth walk as the moon milk radiates the glow of the evening. Our grand finale to the night we wander down into the property kiva where you can burn that which no longer serves you into the cedar fire.

Moonlit Labyrinth Ceremony (Sunset)

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol of wholeness. As the sun dips below the horizon, Valarie will be leading us in a sacred labyrinth ceremony honoring each person’s journey. Viewing life as a process of change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding into each person’s vision of what is possible.

The labyrinth is a tool which teaches us to see clearly, and deeply, as we listen to our intuition.

Walking the archetypal path of the labyrinth, an ancient design originated in the Celtic tradition, reflect’s the passages of  life’s journey. The labyrinth creates a sacred space known as “That Which is Within”.  We are all on the path, exactly where we need to be.


As you awake with a new sense of self, we start the day with a fortifying elixir, (tea and coffee will be available). A sunrise yoga meditation with Kari invoking the air element to bring a deep openness and awareness to the balance of mind and body. Following breakfast, our spa menu continues as you immerse in a day of healing sessions designed to center and cleanse: Sound Therapy Private Sessions, Yoga Private Sessions, Art Corner, Journal Prompts, Sagebrush smudge stick builds, and partner cardinal direction smudge, “Essence Portraits” with Calli, and Private massage sessions available. For our last day together we have designed the wellness activities and sessions to align you with the rhythms of expansiveness best designed for YOU.

Our Chef’s lunch crafted to satiate and energize the body for the journey home. Our last meal together will allow for reflection, perspective and new unfoldings that have surfaced from our healing space shared. Time to pack and prepare for the beautiful scenic route back to Santa Fe. One last goodbye to our time ensconced in the timeless red rock, the intoxicating fragrant high desert and instilling reverence for the quality of intentional time cultivating a balance and reset for you.

“In a world that is continuously wired, where people are on all the time, it is hard to find a place where you can’t be reached and asked to respond to life’s litany of requests. It is important to find sacred spaces where you can turn off, be still, and reflect. It was my time at Casita de Arrebol, a secluded homestead on 52 acres in the Chama river basin, where I got my inspiration to create our High Desert Sanctuary Glamping Excursion. I wanted to give our guests the opportunity to indulge in joy and go beyond the parameters of the spa experience, to go so much deeper. We have been mindful to not jam-pack the itinerary, so guests have permission to read, write, sip coffee or tea longer, savor the moment. To me, creating these spaces is an integral part of radical self-care.” ~ Angelisa Murray


“essence portrait” at Casita de Arrebol by Calli

Valarie Budayr
VALARIE BUDAYR is the founder of the Mongata Healing Center in Santa Fe, as well as an award winning author, teacher, and composer. Valarie was born in the US but firmly embraces her ancestral heritage from the island of Gotland, Sweden. She incorporates the North Karelian traditions and culture into her sound healing and labyrinth rituals. “I use verbal cues, once the sound portion of our breath and sound experience begins, it’s the instruments themselves which offer “cues”. My instruments are overtone-emitting instruments, such as crystal bowls, monocords, tuning forks, the wave, himalayan singing bowls, chimes, gongs, steel drums, icelandic harps, etc. The sound is ‘guiding’ the meditation. Engaging in the practice of deep listening impacts our overall well-being bringing balance, relaxation, and a sense of wholeness to our body.”

KARI MALEN A Yoga and Fitness Instructor based in Taos, NM, Kari was led to yoga as a compliment to athletic endeavors in her youth. Since the beginning of career Kari has been a trusted adviser to her students. Her Yoga schooling began in Mysore, India under Yogacharya Barath Shetty, a disciple of B.K.S. Iyengar, in the IndeaYoga Practice where she earned her first teaching certificate in 2012. IndeaYoga combines Hatha, Ashtanga, and Iyengar styles including elements of meditation and breath work with movement aimed at improving mobility, balance, and self awareness.

Further studies led to a focus on body specific care such as: Hip Bliss, Shoulder Recovery, Myofascial Release, and Yoga and the Aging Body. Kari challenges her students to develop strength and resilience through awareness and to get stale energy moving through and out of the body with classes such as Yoga for Stressed Bodies, Fundamentals for all Level yogis, Cardio Yoga Sculpt, Vinyasa Flow, Mindful Morning, Restore & Relax and more.

Angelisa Murray
ANGELISA MURRAY Retreat Visionary, Wellness Coordinator, and Glamping Designer. After the culmination of Angelisa’s life’s experience in the field and in this state, she has cultivated Heritage Inspirations LLC, New Mexico’s Premier Travel Company. Composed of a tribe of similar heartfelt folks who have rooted themselves in New Mexico. The H.I. family prides itself on cultural relevance, being relational and localized, honoring the Earth, and trailblazing the state’s spirit. Our High Desert Glamping Sanctuary Excursion is Angelisa’s curated vision for radical self care and nourishment through ancient spiritual practices, innovative wellness offerings, and immersion into the sacred lands of New Mexico.

CALLI TA’NOUS is a photographer & filmmaker based in Taos, New Mexico. Her gift is showcasing her subjects’ true essence, as she sees soul in all things. Her work is inspired by a living connection to the Earth, accessible through the ethereal imagery she channels to remind us that we are each a unique and perfect aspect of all that is.

Cal’s Essence Sessions are a collaboration between her vision and your mind, body & spirit. Together you will create a portrait that documents the light and experience cultivated during your glamping retreat.



Josh grew up in Taos but traveled around the West as he developed his culinary career. In Napa, Josh ran a catering company called Smoke Open Fire Catering. The premise of the company was to cook in front of the guests, using only local meats and vegetables, on an open fire and in a rustic outdoor setting. These dinners were often held at wineries and served as extravagant wine paired meals. “I got to work very closely with not only the wineries, but with the growers and farmers in the area, to create experiences that combined a rustic feel with the elevated quality of fine dining. The experience is similar to what we create with the glamping excursions at H.I.,” Josh explains.


Glamping at Casita de Arrebol

Heritage Inspirations has reimagined the Glamping Experience with the creative details, luxury amenities, and a deep respect for the wildlands of New Mexico. No opportunity is missed to create beauty and soulful connection. From our beautifully designed glamping canvas tents to “Bedouin” style communal spaces, we have reinvented what it means to be in nature. While at the same time, Casita de Arrebol’s main house will serve as our hub for cooking, restrooms, sanctuary, and evening fires.

Casita de Arrebol is nestled in the Chama River Valley minutes from Ghost Ranch and Abiquiu. Homesteaded on 52 secluded acres, this straw bale adobe casita blends classical New Mexico style with modern touches and comforts.  Every element  in the casita was created with a focus on design, sustainability, and support for local artists, artisans, and the greater community. Casita de Arrebol is the perfect setting to find stillness, recharge, and connect with the eternal.